DookjiiKahn: A place to look for and to find answers
The SOAHAC FASD Program provides Indigenous people living with FASD – diagnosed or undiagnosed – with services that promote and support quality of life and positive outcomes. First Nations, Inuit and Métis people of all ages, from infant to adult, are invited to connect with SOAHAC staff to access services in: identification and diagnosis, outreach, support, education, and prevention.
If you have questions about FASD or about the effects that alcohol can have on an unborn baby, please reach out to a SOAHAC staff member or one of our FASD Coordinators. We are happy to answer your questions and support you in your journey to learn more about FASD.
Our team of traditional, medical, allied, and mental health staff (traditional healers, doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, program coordinators, counsellors, child and youth workers, traditional navigators, wellness staff, and medical administrators) can work with you and support you to live your life in a way that helps you realize your personal vision and goals.
Plans are underway to expand FASD services to Windsor and Waterloo Wellington (Cambridge) sites.
Location Availability
Plans are underway to expand FASD services to Windsor and Waterloo Wellington (Cambridge) sites.
Traditional Healing
How to Access this Service
Our community-based, culturally safe clinic brings FASD assessment and diagnostic services closer to you and your family. Using the “Two-Eyed Seeing” approach that combines the best of western biomedicine and Indigenous ways of knowing and being, we support you through the entire assessment and diagnostic process. Referrals can be made by contacting one of our FASD coordinators by email FASD@soahac.on.ca or by calling 1-877-454-0753 (x2125).